Head gardener’s update

A glimpse into the walled garden to see what we have been doing over the last couple of weeks:

Salad seeds sown into modules and put under an outdoor shelter from the sun – it’s been too hot in our poly tunnels!

These cabbage plants were planted out on 5th May – they are now having a much needed clear up of weeds by two of our volunteers…

Inside Polytunnel 2 – there are 3 beds: on the left is an empty bed freshly composted for a new crop: in this case ready for basil to go in. The central bed is young cucumber plants just starting to climb up the frames that have been specially made for them. On the right is our salad bar – 8 different varieties of lettuce and salad leaves which are now being picked two or three times each week.

Back outside, the beds that we cultivate are huge and can be daunting but the setting is so beautiful and we have some great volunteers who prepare the beds, sow, plant, hoe, harvest and finally enjoy the produce.






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